Retirement Planning

Before retirement hits our radars, we’re planning what type of education, skills training, and professional designations we’ll acquire. We also spend a lot of time planning which industries are the best place to work and which employers to work for. Once employed, we carefully strategize our every career move so that we progress to the top of the ladder in our respective fields. 

Sadly though, while we focus most of our efforts on all these plans, we often forget to plan for “life after work”!

Why Retirement Planning is Important

Everything we do- from choosing a career to managing career progressions at our employers- is, presumably, so we and our families and dependents can have a better life. But if we fail to plan for “Life after work,” all the plans and effort we put into our working lives could be jeopardized.

What will retirement look like? Are we spending too much? What if we’re not saving enough? How frequently should we be saving? Could we run out of money in retirement? Are we investing in the right places? How much will we need in retirement? Will Government and Employer pension plans cover us through retirement?

If we don’t plan for retirement, we’ll never be able to prepare for it. And an ill-prepared retirement is bound to be filled with financial stress and chaos instead of life-enriching experiences and freedom. 

What We Can Do for You

While longer life spans have created several new financial challenges that need to be considered when planning for our clients, there is also a significant shift in attitude and expectation regarding how people want to spend their time later in life.  Working with you to design a rewarding retirement phase in your life is a crucial focus of our planning efforts. 

Here is what we do for you as part of our Retirement Planning service:

  • Understanding your goals: Through an intensely personalized approach, we discover what your retirement goals are.
  • Analyzing your current position: To plan a meaningful retirement, you need to know where you currently stand. We’ll help you build an in-depth financial inventory to use as part of our retirement planning process. 
  • Develop your plan: Remember all those questions you had on your mind-largely unanswered?  We’ll work with you to create a retirement plan to address them. When we’re done, you will better understand your investments and what you need to fund your retirement lifestyle and be better equipped to handle any shortfalls. 
  • Implement your plan: As you move closer to retirement, we will work with you to ensure the steps in the plan are implemented in a phased and orderly manner. Our retirement planning approach aims to make your retirement transition as seamless and stress-free as possible. 
  • Support you in Social Security, pension, and benefits decisions: We will be here if you need advice on Government or Employer pension and benefits, when to apply, how to apply, what to do with your funds, and much more. 
  • Partner with you in retirement and beyond: To live a long and fulfilling retirement, you will need help with many other facets of your life; health care, long-term care, insurance, legacy planning, and charitable giving. We will be here for you when you need our advice in these areas!
  • Ongoing reviews: Our Retirement Planning services seek to ensure that we maintain a long and enduring relationship with you. We’ll continue to monitor and review your retirement plans and consult with you frequently about any changes or updates to address your evolving retirement lifestyle needs.
  • Social Security Maximization: Our Social Security planning seeks to maximize your benefits and the retirement portfolio you have worked hard to accumulate during your working years.